My Dearest Firstborn Son,

You are 6 months old and you are amazing. You have changed my whole world. These past 6 months have been both magical and the most challenging I’ve ever experienced. I’ve spent my days looking into your eyes, kissing your fat little cheeks, rocking you in my arms, nursing you at my breast, swooning at your smile, failing at finishing loads of laundry, stressing over the tears you’ve cried, cleaning poop from places poop shouldn’t be, jumping up at every small sound you make in your sleep and being the most tired I think I’ll ever be in my life. My life was once all about me. And then you came and made me more selfless than I ever thought I could be. My heart is so full of love for you.

You are cooing all the time now. In fact, you’ve learned how to scream and it’s one of your favorite things to do when everything is quiet. You want to chew on everything. I think you’re teething. You’re a pro at rolling onto your back from your tummy. I can never get you to do much tummy time anymore. Rolling over is just too much fun, I guess.

You just started solids and you love your veggies! You are getting stronger every day. I’ve seen you pushing up on your toes while on your tummy. It looks like you’re planking and it’s so funny! I’m currently trying to grow back all the hair you’ve pulled out. You have loved pulling your hair over the last few months. That in conjunction with your eczema has left you mostly bald except for a patch on the top. It’s actually kinda stylish.

Sade’s music always calms you when you’re fussy before a nap though recently you’ve been going to sleep all on your own like a big boy. Oh! And you just started sleeping through the night in your own room. Well, not sleeping straight through the night. You still wake me for milk. But you’re in your own room!

I love how you intentionally press your cheek against my lips when I’m smothering you with kisses. You love when I call you “Pooka” and “Baby Bear”. Daddy likes to call you “Noski”. You like that too. Daddy and I are your favorite people though you favor me a little more which is to be expected. You spend your entire day with me every day. We have a thing for each other. I always thought I’d be the firm parent but I’m a softy with you.

I would like to give you siblings one day and I know you won’t remember any of this time where it’s just me and you so I’ll tell you now that it’s awesome. You have all my love and all my attention every single day. I’m so thankful to have you as my son, Noah. I love you to the moon and back!



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One Comment

  • Kiara

    Aww I just love this!! It’s going to be cutest thing to read back in years to come and remind ourselves of what baby Noah was like! Xo

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