We all know those people that are Christmas fanatics. They start pulling out Christmas décor on the first of October. Forget Halloween and Thanksgiving. I too love Christmas but WHEN IT’S TIME, folks! And the time is now. Growing up, the tradition in my family was to put up the tree and commence the Christmas excitement the day after Thanksgiving. I plan to continue that tradition in my own home.

We were a few days behind schedule putting up the tree because we hadn’t picked one out yet. When I finally decided on the perfect tree I found that it was sold out everywhere including online. My husband knew how much I loved the tree so he wasn’t taking “sold out” for an answer. He tracked down one of the last stores in the Southeast that carried it and made a 5 hour commute to get me that tree! If I had any doubts about him loving me, that commute would have certainly put them to rest.

I wasted no time cranking up my beloved Christmas music and decorating my beautiful tree. I wanted to get Noah involved but it was kind of late so I had to settle for a big reveal the next day. He loved it! And surprisingly he hasn’t bothered the tree at all. I was sure he’d try to pull the whole tree down because toddlers are savage.

The only things I’m missing are my stockings and garland for the fireplace. That requires dragging my husband along so he can pick out his own stocking…which is why the task has not been done.

Anywho, I just wanted to spread a little Christmas joy and share with you a few of my favorite ornaments. I love our little birdies, those cute mittens, the frosted bulbs and our orange ornament (conveniently placed out of sight to not ruin the neutral theme) that we got on our honeymoon in Mexico.

So if you haven’t already heard, let me be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas this year! And if you haven’t already pulled out your tree, get to it! It’s Christmas time!!

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